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Hide and Go Seek...

I used to feel like my journey with God was a game of hide and go seek. That God was playing a game and the harder I worked for something the more likely I was to get it. (Im a bit of an overacheiver... I like to "earn it"...I thought God might like to tease me just to help keep me on the straight and narrow maybe like the cartoon with a turtle and the piece of lettuce on the fishing pole... But the other morning I had a revelation and God dumped this into my lap... He doesnt tease and he doesnt play games with our hearts.

God speaks to me. God wants to speak to you. His voice just sounds like a thought… but it is a thought that wasn’t there before. After listening for a while you get to recognize which voice is His or if it is just your own thoughts or if it is actually from the devil or one of his demons. (There is only one devil and he can only be in one place at a time – unlike God who is everywhere all at once- so its highly unlikely that he is the one talking to you – but he has plenty of demons to do his dirty work and tell you lots of lies.) If the voice in your head lines up with what the Bible says and it came out of the blue it is probably Him. The more you recognize it – the more you hear.

He woke me up a few days ago with “Seek Me and you will find Me if you search for Me with all your heart” rolling over and over in my head. Jeremiah 29:13.

Ok, ok, Lord, yes, I will look for you and find you - Ill try really hard and there you'll be... woo.. Sometimes, if you have been in church a long, long time you hear these types of verses over and over and don't really dig into them because - I mean, everyone knows what Hide and go seek is. Everyone knows "for God so loved the world..." John 3:16 etc...

So I decided to look it up and mapped it and I found out something really interesting. (Mapping is a tool for bible study called the James method that I like to use to dive into the original Greek or Hebrew words of a verse to derive the exact intended meaning. Look on the links page and I will link to the website to show you how that works. )

To Seek is the word baqash, in Hebrew, which means to beg, require, exact, request desire, demand, ask, to seek to secure, and find me the Hebrew word matsa actually means to acquire, attain, to be gained, acquired. One of the meanings of the word search the Hebrew word darash, is to seek with the demand to require.

What I believe God was speaking to me through this verse was that God wants to be everything to you.

He wants to be your counselor. (John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”

He wants to be the one you go to when you have needs. (Exodus 34:14 For you must not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.)

He wants to be your supplier. (Phil 4:19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.)

He wants to fill the holes in your heart. (Exodus 34:6-7... Then the LORD passed in front of Moses and called out: “The LORD, the LORD God, is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion and faithfulness, maintaining loving devotion to a thousand generations, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin.)

He doesn’t get tired of you asking.

He doesn’t get tired of your tears.

You are worth it to him.

He has the answers.

He has the provision.

He has the blessings, and He really, really wants to give them to you, because he really, really loves you. But remember he doesn’t want to just be A solution.

He doesn’t want to be A resource. He wants to be THE solution - the only one.

The only one you turn to, the only resource you get your peace from.

"God helps those who help themselves" is NOT in the Bible.

When you think your own mind is the solution, that creates a god that you worship.

When you think your job is the solution that puts your job as a god in your life.

When you think your friends or socializing is the answer to your loneliness, that places them in the position of a god.

The Lord God wants to be your God, your one and only God who meets all of your needs.

He is seeking lovers who lay themselves down and pour themselves out to be with Him. He wants everything. All your junk, all your pain…. And he will replace it with perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3” You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” so Seek Him today.

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I'm Katharine Fly.

I'm the wife of a railroader/farmer.

I'm a mom of 8 plus one amazing son in law.

I have a lot of cows and some sheep and chickens. I sell houses and run a small Real Estate/ Property Management business in Clovis, NM. I am a student at Global Awakening College of Ministry...

But most of all, I just have a massive crush on Jesus.

He is everything to me. 


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