My Father's House

When I was a little girl, every time I would hear this verse:
In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into my presence so that you may also be where I am. John 14:2-3
I would think, ‘well I guess Jesus will be busy in heaven until we get there.’ I envisioned him with a hammer in hand crafting mansions for each of us. I even heard this verse at a funeral yesterday, used to comfort the mourners of a sweet Christian man… but if you go a little deeper – this verse isn’t about heaven at all…
Lets look at the words in this verse…
In my Father’s house – the word for house is “oikia” which means a dwelling place - also the intimates of a house – a family – a household. In other words, “the household of God.”
Are many mansions- the word for rooms is “monai” which means an abiding place – a dwelling a residence.
If it were not so, would I have told you… - The word for "I have told you" is “eipon” – which means “brought word.”
I am going there to prepare a place for you. – This is where it gets interesting. “I am going there“ the word - "poreuomai" – means to travel – depart from life – to enter a passageway – to die!
The word for prepare is “hetoimasai” which means to make ready – to make a way – preparing a lodging – but it also references an oriental custom of sending on before kings on their journeys persons to level the road and make it passable –
According to the Strongs Concordance, Jesus was going to prepare the minds of men to give the messiah a fit reception and secure his blessing but I think it means that Jesus died so that we could be washed white as snow and be a fit habitation for our King!
So, what does all of this mean? This means that In my Father’s household are many dwelling places. Jesus had to die to prepare the way for God to come and inhabit his people.
This is for now! Not when you die!
This is about what Jesus did for all of us. We are the mansions – we are the permanent residences of God!
Even more, the verse goes on to say that He will come back – “erchomai” which means to appear in public – face the tribunal – He is coming back to the earth from death – not just coming back from heaven in the second coming.
And welcome you into my presence – welcome is “paralempsomai” – which is the same word as to lead off a prisoner – to take someone with you – and presence is “emauton” – literally myself – take you into myself. He dwells in us as we dwell in Him.
I rewrote the verse and put a spin on it from what the Greek definitions showed.
In my Father’s household are many dwelling places for Him to take up permanent residence. If that wasn’t the case, I would have brought word to you. I am going to make the road open for you to be able to welcome Him in. I will come back from hell and the grave and take you along with me into our bridal chamber where we will live on this earth full of His power and glory. We will have divine authority and dominion because of where I am going and what I am doing for you.
Jesus did it – He made the sacrifice – He prepared the way – This chapter of John goes on to say,
“I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except through me.
-John 14:6”
That didn’t mean climbing the stairway to heaven. That means welcoming the Father into the home prepared for Him inside our hearts and also dwelling with Him in his great Kingdom that Jesus prepared the way for us to enter and reside in with power and the authority that Jesus give us.
If you are reading this and have goosebumps or feel warmth - pay attention - The presense of God is real and he desires to dwell in you.